Taoyuan Bitter Orange Tea Ale
ABV:5% IBU:20 OG:1.048 EBC:20
「酸柑茶」有客家人勤儉持家的美德。利用拜拜完的虎頭柑,加入茶葉壓製,歷經九蒸九晒,才能完成臺灣唯一的壓緊茶。 因為不捨客家傳統技藝失傳,身為客家人的釀酒師,將酸柑茶釀成啤酒。溫潤醇厚的柑橘及茶葉香味,和ALE的麥芽焦甜味一拍即合,豐富的口感,讓人有無限的想像。客家傳統的智慧,一定要有人傳承。
The Bitter Orange Tea truly reflexes the virtue of diligence and thriftiness of the Hakka people. The Tiger Head Orange after its use for worshipping is blended with tea, compacted, steamed 9 times and
basked in the sun 9 times to produce the unique Compacted Tea in Taiwan. In order to preserve and protect the traditional Hakka craft from being lost, the brew master of Hakka origin decided to brew this unique beer with Bitter Orange Tea. The warmth and mellowness of the oranges, the aroma from the tea, the malty flavor and sweetness of the ale fit in easily and perfectly.